Colour blind test results

It looks like you have failed Pilestone's online color blind test and your result is Strong Protan which means you have a color-vision-deficiency (CVD).
The good news: People with the same type of color blindness as you typically respond very well to Pilestone color blind glasses.
Choose a lens right for you from our lens guide below:
- Mild/moderate deutan = Lens A
- Strong/severe deutan = Lens B
- Mild/moderate protan = Lens A
- Strong/severe protan = Lens D (Recommended for you)
About your color blindness:
Protan is a type of red-green colour blindness that makes up approximately 20% of all colour blindness cases.
Someone with protan colour blindness can only see 2-3 different hues of colour compared to someone with normal colour vision who can distinguish 7 hues of colour.
As a result of this protan colour blindness can make reds, greens, yellows and browns appear similar to one another.
How it can affect your life:
Driving - More specifically identifying signal lights and colour coded signs that are designed to stand out such as danger and warning signs.
Colour coded charts - People suffering from colour blindness can have great difficulty reading colour coded charts and other similar types of activities.
Jobs - Certain job restrictions apply if you have a colour vision deficiency.
Education - More specifically school education and all of the colours that are needed to complete classroom activities.
Living a life full of colour - Something most of us take for granted but it is estimated that someone who is colour blind may only see as few as 10,000 shades of colour compared to someone with normal colour vision who can see up to 1,000,000 distinct shades of colour.
What you can do to help:
Equip yourself with a pair of special colour blind glasses. Pilestone work alongside the leading industry experts and together we have individually crafted 5 lenses for a variety of types and severity of colour blindness - ensuring maximum colour impact.
Pilestone glasses can give you a life changing experience as our new advanced light-filtering technology will selectively filter out certain wavelengths of light enabling someone with colour blindness a world full of colour.